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Saturday, May 10, 2008


The other night, I walked into the bedroom, and there was K.


No, just kidding. Actually, he was there, but he wasn't waiting for me. I've been sick, again, and he knows not to wait while I'm sick and (feeling-fat-and-dealing-with-blue-stretch-marks) pregnant.

So, he was reading a poetry book by e.e. cummings, and it reminded me of the time before he was even aware that I liked him.
I was all sorts of attracted to the fact that K wrote poetry, and he capitalized his letters similar to my favorite author, which means he capitalized almost no words at all.

Then, I liked that he would sing his own made-up songs to me, even though he didn't sing very good (at all). It was cute that he tried.

And I loved that he was not obnoxious. He didn't call me all the time. And he wasn't always asking me to do stuff. He let me bug him on my terms. I liked that.

And he was fun. I called him once, at 1130pm. I told him we should go to the pier some time. He said, "How 'bout now?" And we were off.
I liked that too.

I liked that he would humor me, and bring me to D&W after every one of our dates. I would run in, get a 10 cent chocolate-covered cinnamon roll, and then he would take me home. I was happy.

And I liked that he was really smart. And now he is smarter than that. I like that. Except, now, in comparison, I sometimes feel really dumb.

I liked that he dressed cute. And I didn't even help him pick out clothes back then. (How come he doesn't know how to match stuff now?)

I liked that we talked about everything. And I felt comfortable with him. Sometimes, he would wake me up from a nap, (I didn't get much sleep when we were dating, because I had to get up at 430 every day for work and we usually didn't get back from the bakery run until 12 or 1 am. Hence, the naps...) and I would have no makeup and and crap breath, and he still thought I was cute.

I liked that he waited until I told him I wanted to kiss him before I had even a clue that he would consider dating me.

I liked that he asked the director of the ministry we were involved with if it was okay to ask me on an a date, and I liked that he asked my dad if he could marry me before he surprised and asked me.

I liked that boy, that K. I still do.

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