He was done.
No more rolling.
Way too much work.
But lately, the littlest boy is getting around more. He doesn't crawl yet, but do you remember how Jack Bauer rolls when he is dodging enemy bullets? Our boy can roll like that.
Not quite. But close.
I will lay him down in one spot, and I will come back to find him on the other side of the living room. Sometimes he has managed to wedge himself half-way under the couch or under the wicker chairs.
So I have been reminding the kids to pick up their little toys when the rolling boy is anywhere near them.
I laid M in an empty room, only to return, minutes later, to this:
And this:
I reminded the kids again to pick up their swallowable (my own vocabulary, yes?) things.
They did.
The rolling boy didn't care. He just started playing with the big things, experimenting to see which parts he could still successfully stuff in his mouth.
The problem with the big toys is that he usually ends up pulling them over on himself and getting hurt. These pictures were taken just minutes apart. He pulled the stroller over on himself, knocking himself in the forehead.
I took it away.
When I returned, the roller had made his way to the big pet shop and had turned it over onto himself as well.
And just for you, Rach...
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