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Saturday, June 21, 2008


I just finished a baking extravaganza. I made 2 loaves of cinnamon bread, 2 loaves of banana bread, a ham and cheese pizza, a 9x13 pan of stuffed blueberry french toast, and chicken tortilla soup.

Do you know how or why I was able to do this?

Because I actually had some spare time!

S is with Grandma this weekend, and the boys have played beautifully together all day. I cannot believe what a difference one less kid makes. It doesn't matter what kid. It is just that two four-year olds play better together than three.

No competition for each other's attention.
No bargaining about what games to play.
No leaving one kid out.
No ganging up on each other.

And B was in his glory, because he could ask as many questions as he wanted, and I actually had the time to answer him. I'll give you a small sampling of some of his best:
How come my peeny (male anatomy) is squishy?
How come it's grandmas' jobs to give you treats ALL THE TIME and mama and papas' jobs to give you treats only after you do your star chart?
How come Z's jammies are not cool and mine ARE cool? What makes mine cool? Are mine cool , or no? They aren't cute are they, because I don't want cute jammies?!
Did you know that you can't do flips on the swing like I can? I think it's because the baby would get sick.
How come it hurts when someone hits you with a stick?
Is this exercise (standing on one leg, then kicking up in the air, then falling on the ground on his face) or is it a trick?
But WHY can't I eat my boogers?

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