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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Papa

Fifteen Things on the Fifteenth of June:

It's Father's Day, so here we go. Some stuff about Keith:
1. He makes breakfast for us almost every time he has a day off. Usually eggs and bacon.
2. When I tell him that B chose the "Spend Time with Papa (or Mama, but they always pick Papa) Alone" reward card, he responds, "NICE!" or "Cool!" I love that he genuinely likes spending time with our kids.
3. He empties the dishwasher, because it is the job I despise the most (he also cleans the tub/shower).
4. He read 15 of our kids' library books in a row yesterday. I love that he loves books. I hope our kids like reading as much as we do.
5. He gives away his personal spending money almost every week. He is way more generous than I will ever be. (I am trying hard to learn from him).
6. He hates pretending, and yet....he danced with Princess S the other day, (at the "Grand Ball"), twirling her and doing dips, oohing and aahing over her beautiful dress. He searched all over for her when she fled at midnight, leaving one of her glass slippers.
7. He wrestles with the boys almost every day. (I don't wrestle, even a tiny bit. Ever.)
8. He sword fights too,
9. which is why our kids think that the Papa is WAY more fun than me.
9. He lives out what he believes.
10. He doesn't get annoyed when I make him feel the baby kicking....AGAIN.
11. He never lets his work come before his family. Although he often puts his family (us) before himself.
13. He isn't picky. So, when I experiment by replacing whatever ingredient with the one I don't have, he doesn't complain when dinner sucks.
14. He loves me, even when I tell him that I just asked a high school a guy I used to know what his last name used to be. (I meant what IS his last name, because I think we used to know each other in high school). :) So, he loves me, despite my impulsive habit of not thinking before talking or acting.
15. He loves his family. He thinks his sister is one of the coolest people in the world (what guy admits that!?), and (despite the fact that he is a guy) he remembers to call his dad on Father's Day. (I haven't even called mine yet!)
While I am constantly thinking that I screwed up, again, in the position of being the Mama, I couldn't be happier knowing that our kids have been greatly blessed in having K be their dad.

The kids (and I) love you, K. Thanks for who you are.

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