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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Skinny and Pee

A teenage church member recently grew tired of his mandatory science project, a reddish-purple betta fish.
The fish soon found himself riding in the Foisy's van, as the Foisy kids delighted in their new housewarming pet. The fish's name is Skinny Skahwie.
This is the second time today that K has dropped three pellets of fish food into the misshapen bowl (misshapen from when I tried to microwave the germs out of the plastic plants and rocks). He shrugs, and says that our (the kids and my) neglect of poor Skinny is precisely why we will never get a dog.


Did I ever mention that S is totally potty-trained? I don't think she has had one accident, ever, from the first time she ever peed on the potty. We potty-trained B in October, NINE months ago!

We meant to train all three kids at the same time or soon after each other, but Z kept peeing on the carpet every time he was sent to time out*, and S just never, ever, (no matter how long we had her sit) peed on the potty. Ever. Since October of last year.

Finally, last week, I told her she would wear big girl undies regardless of how many times we had to change them.

We sat her on the potty every two hours. She never peed on it. She peed on the floor BY it. She peed in her pants right after she pulled them up. She peed naked. She peed in the bathtub. But never, ever on the potty.

This went on for three days, I think.

Then, as we were leaving for the beach, she exclaimed, "I need to go pee first before we go!"

She went. On the potty.

My friend said she couldn't describe the look on S's face if she tried...delight, surprise, pride, fear?

And from then on, she has stayed dry. All the time. No diapers during the day. No diapers at night. She goes into the bathroom by herself. She wipes herself. She pulls up her pants. (It took B EIGHT months to go into the bathroom without me. But good job, B, for being potty trained for nine months!)

So, S is "big now, and [she] can ride the bus soon."

And I am happy.

*Z was trained soon after we moved to the new house, in which there is an abundance of TILED time-out locations. When he realized I didn't care if he peed on the tile, he soon gave up that cute, little, floor-wetting game, and decided to just stay dry.
(Edited to add: Z recently had a small spell where he did start peeing again, but I ignored him AND his wet pants...and the problem quickly took care of itself. Thank God for tile floors and a place to play outside!)

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