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Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Today, I have been saying things like, "Go find someone else to talk to" or "Nom (whine), I don't want to keep helping you" and "Please don't talk to me right now" and "You are really driving me crazy" and "I don't want you on my lap".

If I wasn't saying mean things to my kids, I was ignoring them so I could get "stuff" done around the house...

For instance, I wanted to go shopping today. We have no food.

I didn't go.

I couldn't open the Word document with my list on it. My computer kept crashing every time I tried.

The kids cried and pulled at my leg (and fought by my feet) while I tried.

I gave up.

Then, Z spilled coffee in the hall when he decided he was going to deliver a cup o' Joe to his beloved Papa.

Then, K spilled coffee on the bedroom floor...a whole cup.

Then, I spilled an entire bucket of dirty wet-vac water all down the stairs on my way to clean the aforementioned (how's that for a cool word?) messes above.

Then, I said mean stuff to the kids some more...

And K told me to leave for awhile.

So I went to buy milk and cereal (the only two things I could remember off my un-openable list).

And now my kids are crying and it all starts again.

I will try it this time with more patience.


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