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Tuesday, November 09, 2010

M Facebook Updates

Hey! Who has been praying with M?! I always say, "Jesus, thank you for..." and then let him say some stuff he is thankful for. Last night, I said, "Jesus, thank you for..." and he responded, "BOOBIES!" Papa!??

I found M, on my bed, holding a tampon, an empty Hersey's wrapper, and a tube of toothpaste. Ah, the necessities of life....

M put on Z's muscular Spidey suit, looked down, and exclaimed, "I have man boobs, mom!"

M said he wanted more cereal in his bowl. I told him he had TOO much. He said, "I want THREE much, mom!"

In the last week, M peed in his bed two times. He doesn't want to wear diapers anymore, because he's a big boy, but I don't want to wash his sheets again. I was putting on his cloth diaper cover over his undies, and he said, "Is that a DIAPER?!" I said, "No, it's an undie cover." And he said, "No, mom. It isn't. It hasta be a band aid." So, the boy is wearing a "Band aid" to bed, I guess.

M: "Mom, what's that on your neck?!"
Me: "It's a scarf, Bubs."
M: "Oh. Are you a scarecrow??!!"

A little confused about how to get these on.

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