Our kids recently took on the role of parents.
B just re-glued the piece of counter top and re-assigned the chore chart.
S gave M a bath, saying things like, "M, are you okay?" and "Are you ready for me to wash your hair?"
Z, well.....
Z ran around the house with his Superman/pirate costume on and did his ninja moves at (all four) parents as they went about their business.
In more detailed (and possibly boring) news....
M is in the 82nd percentile for height, which is pretty crazy, since it's always lucky if our older kids even make it on the chart.
He no longer says, "I wuv you". He says, very clearly and precisely, "I L-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-love you, mama." And he now says, "Spiderman" and "Don't give me a spankin'" instead of "fighter man" and "Don't give me a fankin'".
I kinda miss his Bubsy talk.
B now has "I will not talk like a robot" on his star chart. (Who imagines writing that on their kids' reward chart before you actually have a child of your own??)
Z's flip flops broke, and when I started shopping for winter shoes, I remembered that K still needs to teach the boy to tie. Tying is hard for him, because 1). He'd rather not take that long on any one particular task 2). His fine motor skills aren't part of his super human powers. K gets to teach him, because I made a deal: if I taught the other two, he would teach the third.
S has long hair right now. Longer than it's ever been. She actually told her "hair-cutter" to cut it short the other day, and I stopped her. I don't know why. It's kinda stringy and always knotty. But I just didn't want her to get it cut and hate it. I told her we should bring in a picture of a short cut that she likes, so she has some idea of what it will look like. Anyone wanna send me ideas? I googled cute, short, girl haircuts and got nothing.