I'm guessing the people who
have been invited to read this blog have stopped now. I don't really have a lot to say still.
Let's see. Z lives in a costume. Usually they are too short and really freaking tight, (and I look at him and start sweating vicariously), but apparently, it's a RIOT to be Spiderman in our town, and not so much fun to be plain ol' Beeks.
B is still talking like a robot, but we've narrowed it down. He talks in "robot voice" and gets all stiff-armed when he is asking a question he knows he won't like the answer to OR when he is self-conscious about other people listening. He doesn't go all R2D2 with other kids, if no adults are around. It's weird, but I guess we all did something weird when we were growing up, right? To introduce myself to my first friend, in Kindergarten, I said, "Hi. I'm a turtle. Do you want to be my best friend?" And I used to pretend I knew how to speak Chinese. B speaks Robot. I spoke "Chinese". K says not to worry: "We both know he won't be talking robot as an adult, right? It's bound to stop sometime". And so, I'm reminding him when I can....and waiting. I wish his batteries would run out or something.
S is pretty sure she
didn't request M as a roommate, and she's ready to trade him in for someone else. She loves him, but she's pretty obsessed about getting her beauty rest, and she DOES. NOT. WANT. M to be talking to her "ALL NIGHT" or climbing on her bed before she is ready to be awake. The girl is generally an overly kind and patient kid, but if you wake her up before she's ready, she gets pretty darn feisty! I heard her yelling this morning, "Get. Out. Of. Here. Now. I. Mean. It. NOW!" And I wondered who the heck swapped
that with S....
But she explained it when I went to find our
real girl. "M woke me up!" I reminded her she used to share a room with both B and Z, (and Z used to be awake all night, talking...And screaming when he wasn't talking), so she really should be thankful.
M is two years old. Three next month. And the kid is a mess. I actually brought him to the doctor the other week, because he was so freaking contrary. All the time. About everything. Apparently, that's just who he is, because there is nothing wrong with him, physically. He's stubborn, that boy. He makes B seem tame at that age. The difference, though, is I don't have to try 200 different parenting techniques with this young one. I know what worked and what didn't with "crazy stubborn", and we're going to bypass those things that didn't right away. B got too many choices as a young crazy control freak, so that by the time he was 3 1/2 ish, he thought he could rule the world. It took some time to pull him in. This boy, M? Well, it sucks to be the youngest sometimes, small boy.