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Sunday, August 31, 2008


We spent more money than I wanted to on one-size diapers. I bit the bullet (is that the phrase?) and bought them anyway, because I figured, "They are one size, right?! The cost will even out in the end."

But then we received the "one-size" diapers in the mail, and I'm thinking that M isn't happy.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


B: "Mom, how do your boobs work to give baby M milk? (pause, thinking) Do they have batteries?"

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Understanding Babies

Soren (who will soon be labeled M on this blog) is now 3 days old (and a few hours). He is currently sleeping on my chest, waiting for Papa to come get us and bring us home (or at least to Grandma and Grandpa's). It is delightful to have just one HEALTHY baby to dote on. Our kids are still trying to decide if they think he is delightful.

Z's 1st impression: "Where's the baby, mom? Hey mom, are we on the top floor? Can I have some of your juice? Do you want me to share my gum with you? How come there's just a bed in here?"
B's 1st impression: "Owwww (holding throat). I need a drink. (He is still recovering from having his adenoids/tonsil removed....I know! Bad timing!) Did the baby have a shirt and diaper on when he was inside you?" ("Nope, I wouldn't be able to reach him to get him dressed.") "Why didn't you get him dressed before he went inside you?" (What jerk parents to not get him dressed before we put him inside me! I mean, who wants to enter the world, in front of a roomful of people, naked!?)
S's 1st impression: "Can I feed him?" ("You can't, because I feed him with my boobs.") "Why!?" ("Because that's how moms feed babies. Boob milk is best for little babies, and it helps them to grow big and strong.") "You mean you're like a cow!?" ("Yup, exactly like a cow...")

Monday, August 11, 2008

Welcome Baby #5!

Before (at 5ish this morning):

And After (at 8:05 am):

We are so, so, so happy to introduce you to Søren Micah, weighing in at 6 pounds, 7 ounces.

He is very healthy and most happy (except when he thinks it is time to eat).

Thanks for your well wishes and prayers.