I do not like the camera. People have told me that I suck at getting my picture taken. I am too expressive, and that doesn't always work in pictures. I hate pictures of myself. BUT...what I hate even more is that our kids have only a handful of pictures of me with them. I want them to know I really was around....it was just that I am always on the other side of the camera. I love you guys, despite the lack of photos to prove it.

Every day at dinner-time, we pray. The prayer usually goes like this: "Jesus, thank you for family . Thank you for friends. Thank you for.....the kids fill it in (or K and I do, like lately, we've been thanking God for our house, because we might not have it very much longer). Anyway, we've been saying this prayer for as long as our kids have been able to repeat us. We were sure that the concept of "family" went right over the kids' heads, but we didn't care. They can be thankful for things they don't quite understand yet, right?
But recently, B proved us wrong.
He drew this on the Aquadoodle, pushed it over at me, and reported, "I drew a family. See?"
"Oh yeah! You did! Good job. Who is it?"
"Mama, Papa, B, Z, and S!"
And by gosh, it really was! Can you see us? Only two of us actually have distinguishible facial features, and I think it was S way down there on the bottom. But it is obviously a family, and OUR family at that! Good work, B!